Making my C++ Class work with Tcl

Steve Boyd boyd at
Tue Jul 20 16:52:10 EDT 1999


I've written a vtkReader for a specific file format that I am working
with.  I've now got it working without problems in C++, but now I'm
interested in using it with Tcl.  It's not clear to me what I need to do
to make this work with Tcl.  I've read the book, I can't seem to figure
out how to integrate my own C++ class with Tcl.  Can anybody help?



Steven Boyd, M.Sc., Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Calgary
2500 University Dr., N.W.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2N 1N4
phone: 403-220-2802
fax:   403-284-3553
email: boyd at

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