vtkPanel: follow up to my last posting

Paul Hsieh pahsieh at usgs.gov
Wed Jul 14 17:10:26 EDT 1999

I would like to follow up on my last posting regarding
vtkPanel. I don't want to imply that vtkPanel cannot be
used with java swing components. Putting vtkPanel inside
a JFrame actually works fine in most cases. The
problem with vtkPanel blocking the drop-down menus can
be overcome by calling the static method


Do this BEFORE you create your JMenuBar. The menu items will 
then appear in front of the vtkPanel. 

The other major constraint is that you can't put vtkPanel in an 
JInternalFrame. There is probably no workaround unless the
Swing developers create a heavyweight version of JInternalFrame.

There is a good discussion on mixing awt and swing components in


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