Problems creating/destroying VTK objects on the fly

Daniel Gayo Avello uov02539 at
Fri Dec 24 09:57:00 EST 1999

	Hi, everybody! I'm developing a little 3D tool with VTK, the 
tool needs a configurable layout (I mean, different number and kind of 
views); to do this I create (on the fly) the vtkTkRenderWidget and link 
to them a vtkRenderWindow (this window has its renderer that has his 
camera and so on).

	To change from a layout to another I destroy the widgets (ok) 
and the vtk objects (with Delete)... but I have some problems: when I 
try to destroy de vtkRenderWindow I get this error:

	X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
	  Major opcode of failed request: 4 (X_DestroyWindow)
          Resource id in failed request: 0x3400009
	  Serial number of failed request: 94
          Current serial number in output stream: 95

	Then I avoid to destroy the window and I get, of course, this 
when I create on the fly the view:

	Error in startup script: a vtk object with that name already 

	Then I try to create the vtkRenderWindow only once, not on 
the fly, I get this:

	X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
	  Major opcode of failed request: 12 (X_ConfigureWindow)
	  Resource id in failed request: 0x3400009
	  Serial number of failed request: 88
	  Current serial number in output stream: 89

	So, what can I do to create on the fly views? (I not only need 
it for the layout but so for a material editor that, obviously, I don't 
want floating all the time on the screen).

	Thanks in advance, Dani

uov02539 at

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