Visualizing Seismic Data

John Washbourne washbourne at
Wed Dec 22 11:37:31 EST 1999

Michael Dennis wrote:

> I am investigating using VTK to visualize seismic data.

Hi Michael,

Ive been using VTK for geophysical visualization on an 2x400 Mhz. ultra60 with 2
Gb ram. For me, memory is not really the issue for the type of visualization you
are describing but it comes down to sheer muscle in the graphics pipe. I assume
that you are hoping for interactive rendering? If so, software of any kind may
not solve your problem unless you have _ALOT_ of CPU/graphics horsepower (like
for example one of those many CPU SGI's).

Give some more info: time or depth data? Do you really want volume
visualization? Can you just extract horizons and view them as surfaces in 3D?
Maybe taking ortho-slices might be more reasonable?

Although I know it can be done, I am not sure how to wire VTK for interactive
slicing so I use VIS5D ( designed for
weather analysis), which is a bit of a hassle learning the input format but once
you are up seems to work well for 3D time or depth seismic data. I wrote some
segy->vis5d code in c++ that may be helpful.

Please let me know if you get any interesting leads,


john washbourne

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