Data Sizes

Miguel Angel Martin Fernandez vtk at
Fri Dec 17 05:02:42 EST 1999

Hello users,

	I've been proving some shorts of vtkDataArrays and vtkScalars
(Bit, Int, Float, ...). I Think that if bit data are packed, they should
use much less memory than they really use (They use only a bit less that
Char data). Do you know why?

	What is faster to use to store Scalar 1D data? vtkDataArray or

	Thax in advance.


                     Miguel Ángel Martín Fernández
                          ETSI Telecomunicaion
                       Universidad de Valladolid
                         Campus Miguel Delibes 
                    e-mail: miguel at
                      Tfono: 983-423000 ext: 25548

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