Motif/Lesstif Pg

Bryan VanDeVen bryanv at
Thu Dec 16 12:20:42 EST 1999

I should have been more precise. :)  It both compiled and ran fine on
both an Ultra 10 (Motif) and linux (LessTif)   Do you have any other
information about your system that may help?  Compiler and/or lib

> thanks for Xour reply. The above error did not happen at compile but at
> run-time. Compiling was all fine.

> Bryan VanDeVen wrote:
> > fmri wrote:
> >
> > > "Attempt to add non-widget child "DropSiteManager" to parent "XMace"
> > > which supports only widgets".
> > > Has anybody experienced this problem when using genuine Motif ? Any
> > > suggestions how to modify the example's code ?
> >
> > It compiles fine under Motif, as I recall it compiled fine under LessTif
> > for me, too.  Any other infor you can give?

Bryan Van de Ven
Applied Research Labs
University of Texas, Austin

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