No OpenGL support in Windows2000 ??

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at
Thu Dec 2 14:31:32 EST 1999

At 10:44 AM 12/2/99 -0500, klaatu wrote:

>Actually, I can see SGI becoming much more profitable by tightening its
>focus into being very lean and mean, ditching most of its core hardware/OS
>business, and specializing on being the Very Best manufacturer of extreme
>high-end graphics cards. They've clearly got the personnel and experience
>and if they started aggressively courting the sort of government and
>research folks who can spend top-dollar on hardware but who prefer the
>cost-free Open Source OSen, I think they can carve out a handsome little

I hope this is true, I'd love to see SGI strong again.

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