Filling missing holes in data

Joey Mukherjee joey at
Thu Dec 2 11:05:24 EST 1999


I have some datasets which have some enormous datagaps in them and I am curious 
on the best way of filling them.

The Delaunay2D/3D seem to work well; however, sometimes with a large number of 
points, they render very slowly.  Sometimes, even with a number of points, they 
render very well.

My question is, does anyone else have problems of this nature with their data?  
If so, how did they get around it?


+     Joey Mukherjee                     "I am amused by the simplicity    +
+      joey at                      of this game.  Bring me your     +
+        finest meats and cheeses."       + 
+                                                                          +

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