[vtk-developers] vtk-8.2.0-rc2 problem building wheels

Robert Maynard robert.maynard at kitware.com
Wed Dec 12 16:34:30 EST 2018

I am going to just respond to the comments about 'aggregation ' and 'finding'

On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 4:15 PM Ben Boeckel via vtk-developers
<vtk-developers at public.kitware.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 14:35:37 -0500, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin wrote:
> > >> module can be built inside and outside of VTK
> > > But the better question is "should we?".
> >
> > Generally speaking yes, supporting the composition of CMake projects by
> > both (1) "aggregation" (add_subdirectory)  and (2) "finding dependency" is
> > important.
> I'm not seeing a rationale for this though. "Because it's important"
> seems awfully tautological to me. VTK and other projects we maintain are
> the only ones I'm aware of which support this kind of stuff. I don't see
> it in the wider FOSS ecosystem. A similar situation happens nginx adding
> modules to build by extracting into a certain subdirectory, but then
> again, that's the *only* supported way of building nginx modules.

This is common in the wild ( see catch2 ) to such a degree that CMake
now has FetchContent which explicitly supports the workflow of using
find_package and than falling back to add_subdirectory. I expect that
this workflow will increase as FetchContent becomes more wildly

> > This applies to first class modules (e.g VTK module, ITK module, ... ) and
> > also third-party project (e.g zlib, hdf5, ...)
> Third party projects are different. It's either given an already built
> copy or it builds its own. It is done, basically, because Windows. If it
> weren't for that, I'd be really partial to just say "use apt or brew".
> Even there, the third party projects that get built as part of VTK are
> pretty set-in-stone. I've removed all user-facing variables from them.
> For example, if one wants an MPI-aware HDF5, it must be provided
> externally; VTK's hdf5 is never MPI-aware. Similarly, VTK's png has been
> stripped of its vectorized code (due to it simplifying the build by
> getting rid of lots of try_compile checks), and other projects only
> build what VTK needs from it.
> > Also, by having no differences between the build system of "module or
> > project" that can be either be aggregated or built as dependency, it is
> > easy to maintain and communicate a set of best practices, streamline use of
> > projects in various scenarios without having to maintain forks.
> There's always going to be a difference. I'd rather just document how to
> use VTK via `find_package(VTK)`.
> > > The thing is that the module is incompatible from a consumer point of
> > view in the two builds. One makes `VTK::RenderingOpenVR` and is provided
> > via `find_package(VTK COMPONENTS RenderingOpenVR)`.
> >
> > I think this is something that we probably need to address in CMake. In the
> > mean time, we could have a "vtk_ns" and vtk_ns_colon variables and
> > reference target with "${vtk_ns_colon}RenderingOpenVR". Also wondering if
> > introducing some new genex could also help.
> This sounds super hacky to me. The module system certainly isn't going
> to support it; it's complex enough as it is to deal with namespaces.
> This is the best I can see right now:
>     if (VTK_HAS_OPENVR) # variable provided by the user
>       find_package(VTK REQUIRED COMPONENTS RenderingOpenVR)
>       set(openvr_target VTK::RenderingOpenVR)
>     else ()
>       find_package(VTKRenderingOpenVR REQUIRED)
>       # It really shouldn't provide VTK::RenderingOpenVR.
>       set(openvr_target VTKRenderingOpenVR)
>     endif ()
> > > Would this outside-VTK build expect to put its Python module under
> > `vtkmodules` still?
> >
> > Good question. When building wheels, the answer is yes. That way, the
> > content of all "VTK" wheels would end up in the same folder "vtkmodules"
> > and shared library are in the same directory. Installing/uninstalling
> > wheels also work well because pip has a manifest and only removes the files
> > it needs to.
> The problem is that this breaks `vtkmodules.all.vtkOpenVROverlay`
> because `vtkmodules.all` only includes modules built by VTK itself. It
> means that we really shouldn't provide it at all if users have to know
> the module name anyways.
> > > Does Slicer make VTK modules itself or just consume them?
> >
> > Almost both.
> >
> > Consume them: yes
> >
> > For the "make VTK modules", there are few cases:
> > - reuse of VTK wrapping infrastructure through
> > Slicer/CMake/vtkMacroKitPythonWrap.cmake
> > <https://github.com/Slicer/Slicer/blob/master/CMake/vtkMacroKitPythonWrap.cmake>
> The new wrapping code assumes VTK modules (i.e., built via
> `vtk_module_scan` and `vtk_module_build`). If the relevant properties
> aren't set on the target to be wrapped, they'll not do the right things.
> > - we have a lot of "pure" VTK library that currently use their own build
> > system. In the future, it would be nice to standardize on reusing VTK build
> > system.
> That should be doable.
> > - building of VTK/Rendering/OpenVR into a Slicer extension.
> Why is it not just used as a dependency like this?
>     find_package(VTK COMPONENTS RenderingOpenVR)
>     if (VTK_RenderingOpenVR_FOUND)
>       add_subdirectory(openvr_ext)
>     endif ()
> --Ben
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