[vtk-developers] Problems installing VTK

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Sat Mar 21 13:26:07 EDT 2015

Te java.library.path is not enough and you need to add into your
environment PATH the following directory, C:\VTK\bin\Release.

set PATH=C:\VTK\bin\Release;%PATH%


On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 10:33 AM, CSharpdotcom . <csharpdotcom at gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I'm new to VTK and this is my first posting here or on any other forum
> related to VTK.
> I've been trying for about a week to get VTK installed and running on
> my computer.  The project I'm working on is to use Java with VTK to
> represent 3D graphics, which I hope to use with NetBeans 8.0.2.  I
> also have Visual Studio Pro 2010.
> After failed attempts in installing VTK  6.2.0 and the latest version
> of CMake, from the link
> http://www5.cs.fau.de/en/conrad/tutorials/itk-and-vtk-wrapping/wrap-vtk
> I downloaded and unzipped VTK 6.1.0 and CMake 3.0.0, then installed
> them.
> I then ran CMake according to the instructions on that link and
> installed the generated code in the folder C:\VTK.  I then clicked on
> the file VTK.sin in that folder, which opened up Visual Studio and
> started compiling the code with a large number of modules in the
> project.  This took about an hour, and on completion, generated the
> line at the end:
> Build: 387 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped
> I saved this in a file, which is very long, and after some effort
> found the error message:
> 112>C:\VTK\bin\Release\vtkRenderingCoreJava.dll : fatal error LNK1120:
> 1 unresolved externals
> In the mean time I attempted to recompile the project, which was much
> quicker, and got the same message.  In  recompiled I checked the
> "INSTALL" option, which had not previously been checked, although I
> don't know if that is significant.
> Located in the folder \VTK\java\sample\rendering is the source file
> AwTConeRendering.java, which apparently has not been compiled.  I
> created a NetBeans project and copied that file into it, then linked
> vtk.jar in the folder \VTK\bin to the project, and all imports were
> satisfied.  In setting the Windows path to point to the dll files in
> \VTK\bin\Release, the application appears to pick up the dll files
> correctly, however, I get the following error message:
> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
> C:\VTK\bin\Release\vtkChartsCoreJava.dll: Can't find dependent
> libraries
> repeated for many dll files.  Incidentally, as Visual Studio dlls are
> all 32 bits, as far as I know, I set up NetBeans to use a 32 bit JVM.
> This had previously been tested successfully with a test dll I created
> with Visual Studio and could execute with NetBeans.
> This problem is presumably related to the first error mentioned above,
> and would be most grateful in getting this issue resolved.  As I said,
> I'm new to VTK, and in fact only in the last couple of weeks have
> tried for the first time to call a dll file from a Java application on
> a Windows computer.
> In the Java code I added the statement:
> System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.library.path"));
> to check that the path was correct, which is the case.
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