[vtk-developers] [GSoC '15] Eulerian Magnification for Revealing Subtle Changes

David E DeMarle dave.demarle at kitware.com
Thu Mar 12 17:27:58 EDT 2015

Here are some ideas to get you warmed up:

I think I would go about it by first trying to implement pretty much
exactly what the paper says: grab an image stream, apply the described
operations in one or more vtk image filters, display the output.

You could start by teaching yourself how to use the window to image filter
to capture a render window's buffer back into an vtkImageData, and then
apply some simple vtk's Image processing filters to it to modify it, then
show that in a second window. Put that into a loop where you play through a
time varying data set and you are well on your way. You would then just
have to find or implement the filters that the paper describes.

After learning the algorithm and VTK you could expand from there. Ideally
the filter would work directly on VTK's time varying data instead of
relying on some external loop. Andy (cc'd) was thinking that it would be
interesting to apply the technique on general time varying data sets
instead of the contents of the window. We were both thinking that it would
be neat to expose the filter and the result window in ParaView.

I hope that helps. Don't hesitate to ask us or better yet the vtk mailing
list with more questions.

thanks for considering VTK in GSoC and good luck with your application!

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 3:47 PM, Abhinav Tripathi <ee130002001 at iiti.ac.in>

> Hi,
>     I am B.Tech 2nd year student at IIT Indore, India. I have 7 years of
> experience programming in C++ and many of its libraries.
> ,
> I am interested in contributing to the VTK project in the development of
> filter to analyze and produce results using the Euler magnification.
> I am new to this method of 'Euler Magnification' but it really caught my
> interest from the first look itself.
> I was just looking for some guidance to help me get started.
> .
> Regards,
> Abhinav
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