[vtk-developers] How to extract a part defined by closed points inside a unstructured Grid Surface

darkcminor darkcminor at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 00:17:11 EST 2014

I want to extract a part of a surface  defined here by red points, in fact it
is a closed contour (What I want is to get a piece of cake defined by

I have this:


To get taht The current code is

/package require vtk

# Create a reader to read the unstructured grid data. We use a 
# vtkDataSetReader which means the type of the output is unknown until
# the data file is read.  
vtkDEMReader reader
    reader SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/SainteHelens.dem"
    reader Update
    puts "Dataset reader actual memory: [[reader GetOutput]
    puts "Dataset reader no of points: [[reader GetOutput]

set lo [lindex [[reader GetOutput] GetScalarRange] 0]
set hi [lindex [[reader GetOutput] GetScalarRange] 1]

# Get the physical xy extent of dataset
scan [[reader GetOutput] GetWholeExtent] "%d %d %d %d %d %d" XminR XmaxR
YminR YmaxR ZminR ZmaxR
puts "Physical extent of dataset: $XminR $XmaxR $YminR $YmaxR $ZminR $ZmaxR"

# trims off points with no data (value -9999) in DEMS converted
# from ASCII arc grid files. This step could be used to crop the data
# at another elevation by changing the threshold value
vtkThreshold cropped
  cropped SetInput [reader GetOutput]
  cropped ThresholdByUpper -9998; # threshold value
  cropped Update
  puts "Threshold filter no of cells : [[cropped GetOutput]
  puts "Threshold filter no of points: [[cropped GetOutput]

# Create the geometry conneting the grid of location points
# at this point the surface is flat with an x-y grid of numbers 
# (scalars) representing elevations
vtkGeometryFilter geom
  geom SetInput [cropped GetOutput]
  geom Update
  puts "Geometry filter no of cells : [[geom GetOutput] GetNumberOfCells]"
  puts "Geometry filter no of points: [[geom GetOutput] GetNumberOfPoints]"

# Now warp the surface based on the scalar elevation values
# This creates the 3D mesh model of the terrain.
vtkWarpScalar surface
  surface SetInput [geom GetOutput]
  surface SetScaleFactor 1; # $scale variable controls vertical exaggeration
  surface Update
  #surface UseNormalOn
  #surface SetNormal 0 0 1
  puts "Warp scalar no of cells : [[surface GetOutput] GetNumberOfCells]"
  puts "Warp scalar no of points: [[surface GetOutput] GetNumberOfPoints]"

# Map dataset to graphics primitives
vtkDataSetMapper demMapper
  demMapper SetInputConnection [surface GetOutputPort]
  demMapper ScalarVisibilityOff; # This prevents surface being colored based
on scalar value

# Create actor for surface topogrpahy

vtkLODActor demActor
  demActor SetMapper demMapper
  [demActor GetProperty] SetInterpolationToGouraud
  [demActor GetProperty] SetRepresentationToSurface

# Create projected terrain path

# Create some paths
vtkPoints pts
  pts InsertNextPoint 562669 5.1198e+006 1992.77
  pts InsertNextPoint 562100 5.1170e+006 1900.77
  pts InsertNextPoint 562850 5.11181e+006 1912.57
  pts InsertNextPoint 562659 5.1198e+006 1992.77
vtkCellArray lines
  lines InsertNextCell 4
  lines InsertCellPoint 0
  lines InsertCellPoint 1
  lines InsertCellPoint 2
  lines InsertCellPoint 3  

vtkPolyData terrainPaths
  terrainPaths SetPoints pts
  terrainPaths SetLines lines

vtkProjectedTerrainPath projectedPaths
  projectedPaths SetInput terrainPaths
  projectedPaths SetSource [reader GetOutput]
  projectedPaths SetHeightOffset 25
  projectedPaths SetHeightTolerance 5
  projectedPaths SetProjectionModeToNonOccluded
  projectedPaths SetProjectionModeToHug
  projectedPaths Update
  puts "Projected path filter no of cells : [[projectedPaths GetOutput]

#vtkPolyDataMapper pathMapper
#  pathMapper SetInputConnection [projectedPaths GetOutputPort]

vtkTubeFilter pathTube
  pathTube SetNumberOfSides 8
  pathTube SetInputConnection [projectedPaths GetOutputPort]
  pathTube SetRadius 10

vtkPolyDataMapper pathTubeMapper
  pathTubeMapper SetInputConnection [pathTube GetOutputPort]

vtkActor pathActor
  pathActor SetMapper pathTubeMapper
  [pathActor GetProperty] SetColor 1 0 0
  [pathActor GetProperty] SetSpecular .3
  [pathActor GetProperty] SetSpecularPower 30

# Create a cell picker

# Create a cell picker.
vtkCellPicker picker
    picker AddObserver EndPickEvent annotatePick

# Create a text mapper and actor to display the results of picking.
vtkTextMapper textMapper
set tprop [textMapper GetTextProperty]
    $tprop SetFontFamilyToArial
    $tprop SetFontSize 10
    $tprop BoldOn
    $tprop ShadowOn
    $tprop SetColor 1 0 0
vtkActor2D textActor
    textActor VisibilityOff
    textActor SetMapper textMapper

# Create renderer, render window and add actors to the renderer

# Create the RenderWindow, Renderer and both Actors
vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
  renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
  iren SetRenderWindow renWin
  iren SetPicker picker

# Add the actors to the renderer, set the background and size
  ren1 AddActor demActor
  ren1 AddActor pathActor
  ren1 AddActor2D textActor
  #ren1 AddActor probeActor
  ren1 SetBackground .1 .2 .4

  iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
  iren SetDesiredUpdateRate 5

  ren1 ResetCamera
  ren1 ResetCameraClippingRange

  renWin Render

wm withdraw .

# Create a Tcl procedure to create the text for the text mapper used to
# display the results of picking.
proc annotatePick {} {
    if { [picker GetCellId] < 0 } {
	textActor VisibilityOff

    } else {
	set selPt [picker GetSelectionPoint]
	set x [lindex $selPt 0] 
	set y [lindex $selPt 1]
	set pickPos [picker GetPickPosition]
	set xp [lindex $pickPos 0] 
	set yp [lindex $pickPos 1]
	set zp [lindex $pickPos 2]

	textMapper SetInput "($xp, $yp, $zp)"
	textActor SetPosition $x $y
	textActor VisibilityOn

    renWin Render

Now I was taking a look at vtkExtractGrid, however as surface is no
structured grid I do not know how to extract a part of the surface, 
I was trying

/vtkExtractGrid extract
  extract SetVOI 1 55 -1000 1000 -1000 1000
  extract SetInputData #pass reader Output as surface?

vtkPlane plane
  plane SetOrigin 0 4 2
  plane SetNormal 0 1 0
vtkCutter cutter
  cutter SetInputConnection [extract GetOutputPort]
  cutter SetCutFunction plane
  cutter GenerateCutScalarsOff
  cutter SetSortByToSortByCell

vtkLookupTable clut
  clut SetHueRange 0 .67
  clut Build

vtkPolyDataMapper cutterMapper
cutterMapper SetInputConnection [cutter GetOutputPort]
cutterMapper SetScalarRange .18 .7
cutterMapper SetLookupTable clut

vtkActor cut
  cut SetMapper cutterMapper

Could you please suggest an idea on how to extract or cut this surface
defined by contour?

View this message in context: http://vtk.1045678.n5.nabble.com/How-to-extract-a-part-defined-by-closed-points-inside-a-unstructured-Grid-Surface-tp5726086.html
Sent from the VTK - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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