[vtk-developers] material files patch for vtkOBJReader

Peter Karasev karasevpa at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 12:32:01 EST 2014


      I'm hoping to get an update for vtkOBJReader integrated in that
enables reading material-texture-library (.mtl) files. These are typically
distributed along with the .obj file that contains geometry data.

      There's an issue with the module structure of VTK in doing this,
however: having the MTL file means that you basically must generate not
only geometry but the entire actors with vtkProperty*'s set on them.

      I propose moving vtkOBJReader into the same area as vtk3DSImporter,
where it is allowed to access things in vtkRenderingCore like vtkActor
class. Alternatively, a dependency(ies) could be added to vtkIOGeometry to
allow creating actors. Any views on which way to go here?


Peter  Karasev
karasevpa at gmail.com
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