[vtk-developers] Gerrit topis with many changes

Philippe Pébay philippe.pebay at kitware.com
Mon Dec 3 02:13:29 EST 2012

Hello Bill

Thanks for your message. It is true that there are a lot of incremental
changes but this development is a substantial new feature being added and a
lot of the things done in the process are experimental. I need to have many
I think that the development workflow should not overly constrain the
developer, otherwise it defeats its very purpose. That said I will remember
your advice about the --amend flag and will try to use it as often as

Thank you

On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 9:42 PM, Bill Lorensen <bill.lorensen at gmail.com>wrote:

> Phillipe,
> It is very difficult to review gerrit topic like
> http://review.source.kitware.com/#/t/1805/ which have so many changes.
> I try to keep my topics limited to one or two changes.
>  For example, one change might correct a bug and another might add or
> change a test.
> I see that many of your changes are corrections to other changes.
> If you do a
> git add -- filenames
> then a
> git commit --amend
> the corrections will be part of the last commit.
> If you cut/past the change-id in a commit that you are making a
> correction or minor addition to git will keep them part of the
> original change.
> To be honest, I don;t do not see how anyone can review a topic like this.
> Bill

Philippe Pébay, PhD
Director of Visualization and High Performance Computing /
Directeur de la Visualisation et du Calcul Haute Performance
Kitware SAS
26 rue Louis Guérin, 69100 Villeurbanne, France
+33 (0) /
http://www.kitware.fr <http://www.kitware.fr/>
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