[vtk-developers] Error during build VTK 5.4 with java-wrappers

ThomasObenaus thomaso at eas.iis.fraunhofer.de
Fri Apr 3 10:43:56 EDT 2009


during the compilation of VTK 5.4.0 for Ubuntu 8.10 I get the following 

vtk54/Wrapping/Java/TestVTKCanvas.java:23: error: AxesActor cannot be 
resolved to a type
AxesActor aa = new AxesActor(renWin.GetRenderer());

In my opinion its seems there is an error in one of the makefiles (don't 
know which one). This error occurs during the compilation of target 
VTKJavaJar. The call that fails is:
cd /home/thomaso/Desktop/vtk54Compiled_Ubuntu_8.10/Wrapping/Java && 
/usr/bin/javac -classpath 
/home/thomaso/Desktop/vtk54Compiled_Ubuntu_8.10/bin/vtk.jar -sourcepath 
/home/thomaso/Desktop/vtk54/Wrapping/Java -d 

The problem is that the classpath is incomplete. The folder that 
contains the missing AxesActor.class is missing at the given classpath. 
After adding
/home/thomaso/Desktop/vtk54Compiled_Ubuntu_8.10/Wrapping/Java to the 
mentioned call above the error dissapeared.

But I think the makefile creating this call should be modified accordingly.


Dipl.-Medieninf. Thomas Obenaus

Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Integrierte Schaltungen
Institutsteil Entwurfsautomatisierung
Zeunerstr. 38
D-01069 Dresden

Tel.: +49 (0) 351 4640 781
thomaso at eas.iis.fraunhofer.de

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