[vtk-developers] Widget redesign

Dean Inglis dean.inglis at camris.ca
Thu Sep 15 12:27:22 EDT 2005


improving widget interactivity (speed) in one of
my medical image analysis applications has involved some
fairly straight forward tweaks/enhancements but I am
still running into situations where bottle necking occurs.
For example, I have a dialog that pops up with
a render window displaying a 2D image and has controls
for drawing: vtkImageTracerWidget, and fitting to an
interactive spline: vtkImageSplineWidget.  The spline widget
is basically vtkSplineWidget but with 2D handles like
vtkImageTracerWidget and a few other bells and whistles.
An "undo" button was added to the dialog so externally
one could do

//start of widget interaction
vtkPolyData* oldpoly =  vtkPolyData::New(); //local poly for shallow copy
m_tracerWidget->GetPath(oldpoly);   //shallow copy
m_undoPoly->CopyStructure(oldpoly); //break it out of the pipeline to
                                    //make it stick with global poly

//later...if we undo

This involves a lot of copying and consumption if there are many handles.
The faster way to do this is for the widget to maintain a copy of the
handles with an internal vtkPoints or vtkFloatArray:

//in vtkImageTRacerWidget.h

  void RestoreLastRepresentation();
  void RecordLastRepresentation();

  void SetRestore(int restore);

  vtkPoints* LastHandlePositions;
  int Restore;

RecordLastRepresentation() gets called in the OnLeftButtonDown etc. events
(without an external callback tagged to vtkCommand::StartInteraction)
and an undo can be done simply with

This is something that most if not all widgets should be able to implement,
in my opinion.

Interactivity can also decrease due to a widget's internal
pipeline mechanism(s) for generating its representation.
For example, because a spline widget takes handles and passes those
coords to its vtkParametricSpline ivar (and then to
every time a handle is moved during OnMouseMove, BuildRepresentation()
is called wherein the internal splines are re-initialized to re-calculate
their coefficents: lot's of number crunching ensues and if
there are many handles, very slow interactivity.  So far,
I have added a bool variable: FastInteraction, to bypass the
BuildRepresentation() call such that only a picked handle is updated
during mouse movement.  The representation is updated later on
A better way to do this, I suppose, would be to either modify vtkSpline
or implement an interpolator such that only "local" coefficents are
re-calculated when the number of interpolating points stays constant.

I haven't tried to convert these over yet to see how optimizations
like the ones above could be done differently...again, I could commit
to the redesign branch for further discussoin/inspection??


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