[vtk-developers] Can we add gl2ps to Utilities?

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Fri Oct 10 13:24:15 EDT 2003

Hi Andy,

>>>>> "AC" == Andy Cedilnik <andy.cedilnik at kitware.com> writes:

    AC> Hi Prabhu, Thanks for all gl2ps work.

My pleasure.

    AC> I personally am against putting gl2ps to VTK, since at this
    AC> point in time there is (or at least should not be) any non-BSD
    AC> or BSD compatible code (correct me if I am wrong). I would
    AC> vote for creating a separate gl2ps build that has
    AC> CMakeLists.txt, FindGL2PS.cmake..., then whoever wants can use
    AC> it, but VTK itself would stay as is.

Well, I thought that since gl2ps is LGPL'd its not an issue to
distribute unmodified copies of gl2ps with VTK and that the only
restriction is that someone who downloads VTK cannot modify gl2ps
without releasing the modified sources for gl2ps.  I thought that this
can be avoided by specifying the licence restriction clearly in a
README inside the gl2ps directory.  However I am not a Lawyer and
don't if there are clauses in the LGPL that will bind us.

I'll ask Christophe about it and see if he sees any potential issues
or if he can make an exception if there is a problem.


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