[vtk-developers] ARB - potential widget contributions

dean.inglis at on.aibn.com dean.inglis at on.aibn.com
Tue Mar 25 09:29:00 EST 2003


I have worked out some new widgets, some of which 
may be useful to others, especially those integrating
VTK with ITK.  

1) vtkPropTracerWidget - a wiget that uses an internal
vtkPropPicker to fire picks at a given prop and generates
a polyline trace on the prop's surface. Originally developed
for manually segmenting on 2D images: I'm still having pb's
with this see: 
and am hoping adding this to VTK cvs will encourage some

2) vtkLockToPlaneWidget - superclass for
a series of pseudo-3D widgets (really 2D) that can be locked
onto a vtkPlaneSource:
  a) vtkSplineWidget - would be inherited from this class
  b) vtkRulerWidget - features indepedent locking of end handles, on
  screen text display of length
  c) vtk2DROIWidget - a rectangular region of interest that can
  be used for cropping images, erasing rectagular features such as
  film tags on X-rays etc.

keep in mind that these are proposed names.  1) is functional but needs 
some more work, 2b) and 2c) are already fairly robust.


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