[vtk-developers] point connectivity

Theodore Papatheodorou tp500 at doc.ic.ac.uk
Wed Feb 26 14:53:14 EST 2003

Hi all,
I have a polydata structure and I want to identify different bloods with
different colours. Does anyone know of a way to identify which pieces
are not connected to each other and give them a different id? Is there
for example a function that checks to see if two points belong to the
same object?

Example in 2D:

AAA            BBBBBBBBB
AAA            BBBBBBBBB
AAA            BBBBBBBBB
AAA            BBBBBBBBB
AAA            BBBBBBBBB

I want object A to be identified as separate from object B since they
are not connected at any point. In 2D it is easy because one has to loop
through the pixels. In 3D it gets a bit tricky.
Any suggestions mostly welcome.
Thanks for your answer and time.


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