[vtk-developers] vtkCaptionActor2D

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at kitware.com
Wed Oct 10 08:01:22 EDT 2001

Hi Folks-

I added a cute little class that serves as a text caption to an arbitrary 
position in space: vtkCaptionActor. It has scaled text, an optional border 
around the text, a leader (the line from the caption to the attachment 
point), and an optional leader glyph (like an arrowhead , cone, etc.) You 
specify an attachment point, and depending on how the vtkCoordinates are 
set up, you can get the caption to move as the camera moves, or have it 
fixed in the viewport. Another option is whether the leader is 2D or 3D. If 
2D, the leader always shows up; if 3D, it may disappear due to hidden 
surface removal.

It's in VTK/Hybrid,  the test is VTK/Hybrid/Testing/Tcl/TestCaptionActor.tcl


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