[vtk-developers] VTK Conference???

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at kitware.com
Fri May 25 09:57:01 EDT 2001

Okay, since we've all been getting along so well the last couple of days (except for the few misguided ones who like braces on the end), it's got me wondering, "Where could I go to argue with these guys in person?" And then it seems obvious: maybe it's time for a "VTK Conference." We could pick a convenient location, say Boston, where it's not too expensive to fly to, rent some hotel space, or find a facility at a research institution (right Simon?) If we did something like this, I'd prefer to make it a user event, rather than a strictly developer event. A minimal registration fee might be required to cover rentals of space, equipment.

Is anyone else interested in this? If so, where? when? how many days? Other suggestions? 


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