[vtk-developers] errata : dodgy probefilter scalars behaviour

John Biddiscombe jbiddiscombe at skippingmouse.co.uk
Thu May 17 19:33:10 EDT 2001

Subsequent to last message. Error actually appears to be caused by 
ScalarType being different from DataType

int vtkImageData::GetScalarType()
returns UNSIGNED_CHAR but actual datatype is float. Subsequent memory 
overwrites munged data causing dubious symptoms reported earlier. Apologies 
for misleading bug reports. Note that

int vtkImageData::GetScalarType()
   if (tmp && tmp->GetDataType() != type)
     // this happens when filters are being bypassed.  Don't error...
     //vtkErrorMacro("ScalarType " << tmp->GetDataType()
     //                 << " does not match current scalars of type " << type);
is commented out.

advice anyone?


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