[vtk-developers] [bug] wrong CMAKE_COMMAND (win32)

William A. Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Fri Aug 31 13:17:06 EDT 2001

In C (POSIX) the standard for paths is UNIX style, see fopen, etc.  That is 
why the cmake
converts to UNIX paths for internal work.  It seemed better than having 
ifdefs sprinkled around
the code, converting paths from one type to another.  I guess the name is 
It should be convert to POSIX paths.

The generator is the place where cmake must be platform specific, and the 
microsoft compiler
normally accepts the UNIX paths, so the are used there.  So, it is up to 
the generator to convert the
paths as needed from the format used by cmake internally.  If TLIB has 
trouble with /, then the borland
generator should do the conversion.

Thanks for the bug report on Windows 98, I don't think we have tried that 
yet.   It would seem to behave
different than windows 2000 and NT which are able to launch the command 
with the unix style paths.
So, Sebastien, I guess you are saying that the windows generator needs to 
convert all  paths back to
windows style before outputting and commands that need to be run as custom 
So, I would not add an ifdef , but rather just change the cmDSPWriter.cxx 
to change all executable commands
to windows style before output.   I would use the 
CleanUpWindowsPaths  function John wrote.


At 05:26 PM 8/31/2001 +0100, John Biddiscombe wrote:
>I've had many problems with slashes forward and back during my 
>implementation of a Borland compatible module for cmake. My solution up 
>till now has been to convert to unix slashes by default, but when I get 
>errors I replace forward slashes with '¬' and have a small convert ¬ to \ 
>at the end of everything. I did add a CleanUpWindowsPaths command to 
>SystemTools and it is very useful for small pieces of code that need it. I 
>found that the Borland compiler works fine with forward slashes, but TLIB 
>doesn't like them as it uses '/' as options on the command line whereas 
>the compiler uses -option syntax and couldn't care about the slashes.
>This particular problem appears to be typical of CMake. It is supposed to 
>be Cross-platform, but hard codes an platform specific details in it. 
>(Remove the "C" perhaps!)
>At 16:47 31/08/2001, Sebastien BARRE wrote:
>>First of all, I do apologize, I'm using Windows 98. I have to. I'm stuck 
>>with it until I get a new computer at my new job :)
>>Anyway, I still have some work and while trying to reinstall all my 
>>framework within Win98, I found the following problem, preventing me from 
>>compiling VTK :
>>In cmake.cxx :
>>// at the end of this CMAKE_ROOT and CMAKE_COMMAND should be added to the 
>>void cmake::AddCMakePaths(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
>>   // Find our own executable.
>>   std::string cMakeSelf = args[0];
>>   cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(cMakeSelf);
>>   cmCacheManager::GetInstance()->AddCacheEntry
>>     ("CMAKE_COMMAND",
>>      cmSystemTools::EscapeSpaces(cMakeSelf.c_str()).c_str(),
>>The CMAKE_COMMAND holds the path to cmake.exe. Could you please remember 
>>me why we need to convert to Unix Slashes ?
>>The problem is the following :
>>Once the above code has been run, here is my CMAKE_COMMAND (from the cache) :
>>//Path to CMake executable.
>>(indeed, among all other .exe found in my cache (TCL_TCLSH, TK_WISH, 
>>VTK_WRAP_TCL_EXE), CMAKE_COMMAND is the only one that was space-escaped).
>>Now it makes its way to the DSP files, for example :
>>"vtksbIOTCL.dsp" :  "$(SOURCE)" "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
>>         "E:/SRC/KITWARE/CMAKE/SOURCE/cmake.exe" 
>> D:/users/barre/devel/these/c++/vtknew/IO/CMakeLists.txt -DSP 
>> -H"D:/users/barre/devel/these/c++/vtknew" 
>> -S"D:/users/barre/devel/these/c++/vtknew/IO" 
>> -O"E:/src/kitware/SB/build/IO" -B"E:/src/kitware/SB/build"
>>and msdev put that "custom build" step in a .bat file, which is run. But 
>>it fails, because cmake.exe can not be called like that.
>>In Windows 98, you can do that :
>>         E:\SRC\KITWARE\CMAKE\SOURCE\cmake.exe
>>         "E:\SRC\KITWARE\CMAKE\SOURCE\cmake.exe"
>>but you can't do that, it fails (at least at home) :
>>         "E:/SRC/KITWARE/CMAKE/SOURCE/cmake.exe"
>>         E:/SRC/KITWARE/CMAKE/SOURCE/cmake.exe
>>I guess we need to escapes spaces, but disabling the conversion to Unix 
>>slashes for this specific var would actually solve the problem. But I 
>>guess this has been done for good reason ?
>>Another problem is that this conversion to Unix slashes is done twice : 
>>the call to FindProgram use CollapseFullPath which itself use 
>>ConvertToUnixSlashes (why ?). Hence, we are in trouble.
>>For this specific case, what can we do ? Add a ConvertToWindowsSlashes 
>>and surround it with a #ifdef _WIN32 to convert the path back to Windows 
>>syntax ?
>>What do you think ?
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