[vtk-developers] Pending release... (precompiled headers)

John Biddiscombe jbiddiscombe at skippingmouse.co.uk
Sat Dec 9 13:19:27 EST 2000

>>Simple is good, clean is good.

Resists the temptation to add a third slightly less acceptable catch-phrase.

of the Windows users are using MSVC++. There is, sadly, no other place to 
put it other than on top of each *.cxx.

The solution I use these days (becasue I have my own makefile generator), 
is to do

copy &&|
  ^#include "Precompiled_Header.h"
  ^#pragma hdrstop
| finalcxx
copy &&|
  type originalcxx >> finalcxx
| addpch.bat

inside the makefile generator, that way, the precompiled header gets added. 
Of course its necessary to adda whole new set of dependencies to the  the 
link rule but once you know what's what...


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