[vtk-developers] Outstanding dashboard issues #3

Lorensen, William E (CRD) lorensen at crd.ge.com
Thu Aug 3 08:10:51 EDT 2000

	Here are the remaining (no new) dashboard issues.

1) Warnings:
InteractorStyleJoyStickActor: henderson
InteractorStyleTrackBallActor: henderson
I've checked in a number of new valid images. There are still a few issues about failing tests:

1) On linux, the PropPicker.tcl test always retruns the same class name on a pick.
2) On solarisCoverage, (which uses native imaging), PropPicker does not produce proper results.
3) On solarisCoverage, (which uses native imaging), ColorWrap, ScalarBar and TestMagnify are failing.
This has probably been true for a while. Looks like an image position problem.


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