[Viame] Possible bug in generate_detections_using_deep_model

Hajas, Wayne Wayne.Hajas at dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Thu Dec 19 13:52:35 EST 2019

I am fumbling around with VIAME on windows.  I have VIAME installed in c:\VIAME

I attempted to use  generate_detections_using_deep_model.bat.  The error I received on the command line was:
D:\>cd D:\Training\ViameExamples\Ingest\database

C:\VIAME\lib\python3.6\site-packages\numpy\_distributor_init.py:32: UserWarning: loaded more than 1 DLL from .libs:
Processing: input_list.txt on GPU... Failure

ERROR: Processing failed, check database\Logs\input_list.txt, terminating.

Press any key to continue . . .

The last few lines of database\Logs\input_list.txt are:
2019-12-19 09:46:05.416 DEBUG plugin_loader.cxx(384): Loading plugins from: C:\VIAME\bin/../lib/kwiver/processes/schedulers_examples.dll
2019-12-19 09:46:05.416 DEBUG plugin_loader.cxx(384): Loading plugins from: C:\VIAME\bin/../lib/kwiver/processes/template_processes.dll
2019-12-19 09:46:05.417 DEBUG pipeline_builder.cxx(229): Adding "C:/workspace/VIAME-master_WinNight/build/install/share/sprokit/pipelines/include" to search path
2019-12-19 09:46:05.544 DEBUG lex_processor.cxx(302): Adding "C:/workspace/VIAME-master_WinNight/build/install/share/sprokit/pipelines/include" to search path
Caught unhandled kwiver::vital::vital_exception: The file does not exist: category_models/detector.pipe included from C:/VIAME/configs/pipelines/detector_local.pipe:17 could not be found in search path., thrown from C:\workspace\VIAME-master_WinNight\packages\kwiver\sprokit\src\sprokit\pipeline_util\lex_processor.cxx:538

I don't have  C:\workspace on my desktop.  I suspect a directory-name has been hard-coded somewhere.


Wayne Hajas
Stock Assessment Analyst
Quantitative Assessment Methods Section
Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada
Science Branch / Direction des sciences
Pacific Biological Station / Station biologique du Pacifique
3190 Hammond Bay Rd, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N7
tel/tél: (250) 756-7367
Fax: (250) 756-7138
Email/courriel: wayne.hajas at dfo-mpo.gc.ca

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