[Ves] iOS webinar soon?

David Thompson david.thompson at kitware.com
Mon Sep 30 13:27:18 EDT 2013

Hi Asad,

> Nothing in particular. I started development a couple of weeks ago, and I still dont understand ... how to remove the rendering parts of VTK from my desktop app and replace it with VES. But I am making progress, and some tutoring would definitely help :)

The kiwi library provides vesKiwiPolyDataRepresentation to convert a vtkPolyData instance into a VES scenegraph for rendering and the vesKiwiWidgetRepresentation is a base class for handling touch events on representations. You are responsible (when overriding handleXXTouchEvent() methods in the latter) for testing whether the event should be consumed by your representation or passed on to other representations, which generally means creating a locator and calling IntersectWithLine on the corresponding dataset to see if there's a hit. Most other events that trigger/affect rendering come from platform-specific UI elements outside of the VES/Kiwi libraries (and have no VTK analogues, either).

If you're just rendering polydata, the former representation is all you should need.

> I'm writing down the steps I'm doing so far, and I'll hopefully post that to the mailing list soon. Maybe that'll help other people too.

That would be nice.


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