[Ves] Frame rate in Kiwiviewer for IOS. glkview drawInRect

Aashish Chaudhary aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com
Mon Jun 24 14:39:19 EDT 2013

On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Carlos <ves at calculoandamios.com> wrote:

> Hi,****
> ** **
> I have some models that reduce the frame rate from the target of 30 fps to
> 1 or 2. After some debugging I have found that the FPS in the settings view
> means the number of times per second that the view is refreshed J.****
> ** **
> I have one concern about this and it is the energy consumption of the App.
> I cannot understand why the drawInRect function is called so many times *if
> nothing changes in the view*. With heavy models, ie. models that need
> more than 1/30 seconds to be drawn, the app is always running so the
> battery will be drained more quickly than needed.****
> ** **
> Is there any reason in IOS to call so many times per second to the
> drawinRect function and also to redraw the whole model every time.?****
> ** **
> I’m thinking in add some flags so when some actions is done on the screen
> the model will be paint but if not, do not make a render call. Does it make
> sense?

Yes, the feature was / is there. I have tested the latest code but it
should be there where only when something changes we render again. @Pat
might know more about this. But you are right we should support this if
somehow we
lost this feature.

- Aashish

> ****
> ** **
> Best regards,****
> ** **
> Carlos****
> ** **
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| Aashish Chaudhary
| R&D Engineer
| Kitware Inc.
| www.kitware.com
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