[Ves] Frame rate in Kiwiviewer for IOS. glkview drawInRect

Carlos ves at calculoandamios.com
Mon Jun 24 14:01:24 EDT 2013



I have some models that reduce the frame rate from the target of 30 fps to 1
or 2. After some debugging I have found that the FPS in the settings view
means the number of times per second that the view is refreshed J.


I have one concern about this and it is the energy consumption of the App. I
cannot understand why the drawInRect function is called so many times if
nothing changes in the view. With heavy models, ie. models that need more
than 1/30 seconds to be drawn, the app is always running so the battery will
be drained more quickly than needed.


Is there any reason in IOS to call so many times per second to the
drawinRect function and also to redraw the whole model every time.?


I'm thinking in add some flags so when some actions is done on the screen
the model will be paint but if not, do not make a render call. Does it make


Best regards,




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