[Ves] Size limit in the number of vertices

ves ves at calculoandamios.com
Wed Feb 6 07:29:04 EST 2013



 I have exported a VTK model to OBJ and I try to view it in
Kiwiviewer (Android Version compiled by me with the source code
downloading from github). I have an error message saying that the file
contains more than the supported maximum number of points. 

 I would
appreciate an explanation about this issue as in the kiwiviwer mailing
[1]) it is stated that the problem is related with OpenGL ES and that is
something that can be solved (in October 2011). Additionally in the
Kiwiviewer example with the point cloud library
(http://vimeo.com/42773717 [2]) it is stated that there are more than
200000 points (in IOS). 

 More specifically I would like to know if
this limit is only for Android, if it is related with the datasheet or
it perhaps for each actor and I can circumvent the limit adding several
actors to the scene. If not, is this size limit to be increased in the
next version? 



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