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<p> I have exported a VTK model to OBJ and I try to view it in Kiwiviewer (Android Version compiled by me with the source code downloading from github). I have an error message saying that the file contains more than the supported maximum number of points.</p>
<p> I would appreciate an explanation about this issue as in the kiwiviwer mailing list (<a href="http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/kiwiviewer/2011-October/000002.html">http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/kiwiviewer/2011-October/000002.html</a>) it is stated that the problem is related with OpenGL ES and that is something that can be solved (in October 2011). Additionally in the Kiwiviewer example with the point cloud library (<a href="http://vimeo.com/42773717">http://vimeo.com/42773717</a>) it is stated that there are more than 200000 points (in IOS).</p>
<p> More specifically I would like to know if this limit is only for Android, if it is related with the datasheet or it perhaps for each actor and I can circumvent the limit adding several actors to the scene. If not, is this size limit to be increased in the next version?</p>
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<p> Carlos</p>