[Rtk-users] Python Wrapping

Johnson Keiriz jkeiriz at theobjects.com
Fri Mar 18 15:23:09 EDT 2016

To be specific: it gives an error at every CUDA filter !!!

On 3/18/2016 3:20 PM, Johnson Keiriz wrote:
> Hello,
> I have tried to create a .json file for the 
> *RegularizedConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter *and got the 
> below errors while compiling.
> The json file contains:
> {
>   "name" : "RegularizedConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter",
>   "template_code_filename" : "RTKImageFilter",
>   "template_test_filename" : "ImageFilter",
>   "number_of_inputs" : 2,
>   "doc" : "",
>   "output_image_type" : "TImageType",
>   "pixel_types" : "RealPixelIDTypeList",
>   "filter_type" : 
> "rtk::RegularizedConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter<InputImageType>",
>   "include_files" : [
>     "srtkThreeDCircularProjectionGeometry.h"
>   ],
>   "members" : [],
>   "briefdescription" : "Implements regularized conjugate Gradient 
> cone-beam reconstruction.",
>   "detaileddescription" : ""
> }
> Error    1    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 
> 'rtk::CudaBackProjectionImageFilter::Pointer' (or there is no 
> acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkIterativeConeBeamReconstructionFilter.hxx    77 1    
> SimpleRTK
> Error    2    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 
> 'rtk::CudaRayCastBackProjectionImageFilter::Pointer' (or there is no 
> acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkIterativeConeBeamReconstructionFilter.hxx    87 1    
> SimpleRTK
> Error    3    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 'rtk::CudaConstantVolumeSource::Pointer' 
> (or there is no acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkReconstructionConjugateGradientOperator.hxx 39    1    
> SimpleRTK
> Error    4    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 'rtk::CudaConstantVolumeSource::Pointer' 
> (or there is no acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkReconstructionConjugateGradientOperator.hxx 40    1    
> SimpleRTK
> Error    5    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 'rtk::CudaLaplacianImageFilter::Pointer' 
> (or there is no acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkReconstructionConjugateGradientOperator.hxx 41    1    
> SimpleRTK
> Error    6    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 
> 'rtk::CudaDisplacedDetectorImageFilter::Pointer' (or there is no 
> acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter.hxx 42    
> 1    SimpleRTK
> Error    7    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 'rtk::CudaConstantVolumeSource::Pointer' 
> (or there is no acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter.hxx 43    
> 1    SimpleRTK
> Error    8    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 
> 'rtk::CudaConjugateGradientImageFilter_3f::Pointer' (or there is no 
> acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter.hxx 
> 129    1    SimpleRTK
> Error    9    error C2678: binary '*' : no operator found which takes 
> a left-hand operand of type 'float' (or there is no acceptable 
> conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkMagnitudeThresholdImageFilter.hxx    59    1 SimpleRTK
> Error    10    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 
> 'rtk::CudaBackProjectionImageFilter::Pointer' (or there is no 
> acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkIterativeConeBeamReconstructionFilter.hxx    77 1    
> SimpleRTK
> Error    11    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 
> 'rtk::CudaRayCastBackProjectionImageFilter::Pointer' (or there is no 
> acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkIterativeConeBeamReconstructionFilter.hxx    87 1    
> SimpleRTK
> Error    12    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 'rtk::CudaConstantVolumeSource::Pointer' 
> (or there is no acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkReconstructionConjugateGradientOperator.hxx 39    1    
> SimpleRTK
> Error    13    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 'rtk::CudaConstantVolumeSource::Pointer' 
> (or there is no acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkReconstructionConjugateGradientOperator.hxx 40    1    
> SimpleRTK
> Error    14    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 'rtk::CudaLaplacianImageFilter::Pointer' 
> (or there is no acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkReconstructionConjugateGradientOperator.hxx 41    1    
> SimpleRTK
> Error    15    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 
> 'rtk::CudaDisplacedDetectorImageFilter::Pointer' (or there is no 
> acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter.hxx 42    
> 1    SimpleRTK
> Error    16    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 'rtk::CudaConstantVolumeSource::Pointer' 
> (or there is no acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter.hxx 43    
> 1    SimpleRTK
> Error    17    error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes 
> a right-hand operand of type 
> 'rtk::CudaConjugateGradientImageFilter_3f::Pointer' (or there is no 
> acceptable conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter.hxx 
> 129    1    SimpleRTK
> Error    18    error C2678: binary '*' : no operator found which takes 
> a left-hand operand of type 'float' (or there is no acceptable 
> conversion) 
> [C:\RTK\BUILD\SimpleRTK-build\Code\BasicFilters\src\SimpleRTKBasicFilters2.vcxproj] 
> c:\rtk\code\rtkMagnitudeThresholdImageFilter.hxx    59    1 SimpleRTK
> Thanks,
> Johnson
> On 3/18/2016 2:16 PM, Johnson Keiriz wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to do the wrapping for the 
>> RegularizedConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter, do I need 
>> to wrap all the filters that it uses ?
>> Is there any guiding document for the wrapping method?
>> Regards,
>> Johnson
>> On 3/18/2016 9:31 AM, Cyril Mory wrote:
>>> Hi again,
>>> You got the SART filter right. As for the conjugate gradient, the 
>>> filter is actually ConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter 
>>> (for the 3D non-regularized reconstruction) and 
>>> RegularizedConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter (its 
>>> regularized counterpart).
>>> The filter you found, 
>>> FourDConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter, is used for 4D 
>>> reconstruction (you need a cardiac or respiratory phase signal). Its 
>>> regularized counterpart is FourDROOSTERConeBeamReconstructionFilter.
>>> In addition to those, RTK also has 
>>> ADMMTotalVariationConeBeamReconstructionFilter and 
>>> ADMMWaveletsConeBeamReconstructionFilter, which implement the 
>>> Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier algorithm.
>>> You can find a description of these algorithms in 
>>> https://hal.inria.fr/tel-00985728/document
>>> Note that the SART filter has a m_NumberOfProjectionsPerSubset 
>>> member. Setting it to 1 (default) gives you SART, setting it to n 
>>> with 1 < n < TotalNumberOfProjections gives you OS-SART, and setting 
>>> it to n=TotalNumberOfProjections gives you SIRT.
>>> That's pretty much all there is in RTK at the moment.
>>> Cyril
>>> On 03/18/2016 02:11 PM, Johnson Keiriz wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Can you please confirm that the following classes are the ones used 
>>>> for the iterative reconstruction:
>>>> 1 - SART: SARTConeBeamReconstructionFilter
>>>> 2- Conjugate gradient: 
>>>> FourDConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter
>>>> Is there a 3D conjugate gradient?
>>>> Are these the only classes for iterative reconstruction?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Johnson
>>>> On 3/18/2016 4:12 AM, Cyril Mory wrote:
>>>>> Hi Johnson,
>>>>> Regarding the iterative methods:
>>>>> - In SART, you can use the CUDA forward and back projectors, but 
>>>>> the rest of the calculation is performed on CPU. We do not use 
>>>>> SART a lot, so we have not fully optimized it.
>>>>> - Conjugate gradient, on the other hand, is entirely performed on 
>>>>> the GPU. Note that a regularized conjugate gradient reconstruction 
>>>>> filter is also available (with total variation denoising, wavelets 
>>>>> denoising, and positivity enforcement)
>>>>> I hope you will find what you need,
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Cyril
>>>>> On 03/17/2016 08:54 PM, Johnson Keiriz wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I did rebuild and now things are working. I tested reconstruction 
>>>>>> with and without the filtering and there were differences. 
>>>>>> Though, I am not sure that filtering have provided a better 
>>>>>> reconstruction.
>>>>>> I want to experiment the iterative methods. Can you please 
>>>>>> confirm for me which iterative method are fully implemented in 
>>>>>> CUDA: is it the conjugate gradient or SART ?
>>>>>> I have noticed that they are not wrapped at all, any guide on how 
>>>>>> to introduce new filters?
>>>>>> Once I have tested my wrapping, I will submit a github pull-request.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Johnson
>>>>>> *From:*simon.rit at gmail.com [mailto:simon.rit at gmail.com] *On 
>>>>>> Behalf Of *Simon Rit
>>>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, March 17, 2016 1:54 PM
>>>>>> *To:* Johnson Keiriz
>>>>>> *Cc:* rtk-users at public.kitware.com
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Rtk-users] Python Wrapping
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Good! Indeed, many things are not wrapped. There is a trick 
>>>>>> regarding modifications of the wrappings. You need to either 
>>>>>> start from scratch the compilation or delete the file 
>>>>>> SimpleRTK-prefix/src/SimpleRTK-stamp/SimpleRTK-configure. This 
>>>>>> will trigger a reconfiguration of the SimpleRTK and, hopefully, 
>>>>>> account for your modifications.
>>>>>> Don't hesitate to submit a github pull-request when you have 
>>>>>> something working.
>>>>>> Simon
>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 4:33 PM, Johnson Keiriz 
>>>>>> <jkeiriz at theobjects.com <mailto:jkeiriz at theobjects.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello again,
>>>>>> I found out about the json wrapping files. I added the wrapping 
>>>>>> for all the filters, but I haven’t noticed any effect from 
>>>>>> setting the filters !!!
>>>>>> Any hints ?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Johnson
>>>>>> *From:*Rtk-users [mailto:rtk-users-bounces at public.kitware.com] 
>>>>>> *On Behalf Of *Johnson Keiriz
>>>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, March 17, 2016 9:23 AM
>>>>>> *To:* rtk-users at public.kitware.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:rtk-users at public.kitware.com>; Simon Rit
>>>>>> *Subject:* [Rtk-users] Python Wrapping
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I am using the Python wrapped version of RTK. I have a question 
>>>>>> regarding the wrapping:
>>>>>> It seems that not all functionality is available, for example: 
>>>>>> for the *CudaFDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter, *I was not able to 
>>>>>> set the cut frequency of the any of the filters
>>>>>> (RamLaK, Cosine, ShepLogan) except for the Hann . Are the methods 
>>>>>> not wrapped ?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Johnson
>>>>>> *Description: cid:image002.jpg at 01CB5984.4EABACE0*
>>>>>> *Johnson Keiriz, PhD
>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer*
>>>>>> 760 St-Paul W, #101
>>>>>> Montreal, QC
>>>>>> Canada  H3C 1M4
>>>>>> tel: (514) 843-3861 <tel:%28514%29%20843-3861>
>>>>>> ext 217
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Rtk-users mailing list
>>>>>> Rtk-users at public.kitware.com
>>>>>> http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/rtk-users
>>>> -- 
>>>> *Johnson Keiriz, PhD
>>>> Senior Software Engineer*
>>>> 760 St-Paul W, #101
>>>> Montreal, QC
>>>> Canada  H3C 1M4
>>>> tel: (514) 843-3861
>>>> ext 217
>> -- 
>> *Johnson Keiriz, PhD
>> Senior Software Engineer*
>> 760 St-Paul W, #101
>> Montreal, QC
>> Canada  H3C 1M4
>> tel: (514) 843-3861
>> ext 217
>> _______________________________________________
>> Rtk-users mailing list
>> Rtk-users at public.kitware.com
>> http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/rtk-users
> -- 
> *Johnson Keiriz, PhD
> Senior Software Engineer*
> 760 St-Paul W, #101
> Montreal, QC
> Canada  H3C 1M4
> tel: (514) 843-3861
> ext 217
> _______________________________________________
> Rtk-users mailing list
> Rtk-users at public.kitware.com
> http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/rtk-users


*Johnson Keiriz, PhD
Senior Software Engineer*

760 St-Paul W, #101
Montreal, QC
Canada  H3C 1M4
tel: (514) 843-3861
ext 217

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