[Rtk-users] Tomosynthesis Reconstruction using RTK

louie L ghostcz at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 4 11:17:10 EST 2014

Hi Andria,

Can you explain the setup with some more details? Which is the axis of rotation?
I think if the isocenter is on the detector, the sid should be set equal to the sdd.

Best regards,

Greetings from my iOS!

> On 04 Nov 2014, at 17:04, Hadjipanteli Andria (ROYAL SURREY COUNTY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST) <andria.hadjipanteli at nhs.net> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> We used the FirstReconstruction.cxx code with minor changes to reconstruct a digital breast tomosynthesis stack of projections acquired using a Hologic Selenia Dimenions system. Unfortunately, the reconstructed
>>  image does not look as expected.
>> The characteristics of the geometry of the system are that the detector remains stationary while the x-ray tube moves around a centre of rotation located at the detector (see attached diagram). The
>>  changes we made to FirstReconstruction.cxx so that it represents the Hologic Geometry are that the sdd and sourceOffesetY both vary as a function of the rotation of the source (sid*sin(angleTheta)
>>  and sid*cos(angleTheta) respectively) while in all cases gantryAngle= 0, sid = 700 mm and isox = -detectorWidth/2. Our geometry definition is:
>> geometry->AddProjection(700,sdd,0,-isox,0,0,0,0,sourceOffsetY);
>> Please let me know if you have any ideas on what we might be doing
>>  wrong.  
>> Thank you for your help.
>> Kind regards,
>> Andria
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> <NCCPM_TomoGeometry.pdf>
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