[Rtk-users] "Invalid device function" when using cuda applications in RTK

Andy Shieh hsieandy at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 04:27:48 EDT 2014

Hi Simon,

Thank you so so much - that actually solved the problem.
I realized it could be because I was using an older version of RTK, in
which the FindCUDA_wrap.cmake file did not include "-gencode
arch=compute_30,code=sm_30" (my gpu compute compatibility is 3.0), and
disabling that probably allows the compiler to automatically determine the
correct architecture setting.
I really should have tried with the updated RTK version earlier, in which
compute_30 was specified in the cmake file.
Anyways, thank you!!!


2014-06-23 7:44 GMT+10:00 Simon Rit <simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>:

> Hi Andy,
> I'm not sure... Can you try disabling some archtiecture specific
> options in cmake/FindCUDA_wrap.cmake? In this file, you can try
> commenting lines 62 to 74.
> Simon
> On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 4:22 PM, Andy Shieh <hsieandy at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Simon & RTK developers/users,
> >
> > I'm trying to get the cuda applications in RTK to work on my NVIDIA
> GTX770
> > (with Win 8.1 x64, compiled using Visual Studio 2012).
> > I have installed the latest cuda toolkit (v6.0), and has confirmed that
> it
> > worked properly using the samples in the cuda toolkit as well as MATLAB.
> > I have also successfully compiled RTK with cuda found.
> > However, when I tried to execute cuda applications such as
> > rtkbackprojections, rtkfdk, rtksart, I kept getting the following runtime
> > errors:
> >
> > For rtkbackprojections:
> > ======================
> > ExceptionObject caught with bp->Update()
> >
> > itk::ExceptionObject (000000698148F5E8)
> > Location: "unknown"
> > File: D:/SourceCode/RTK_Andy/code/rtkCudaBackProjectionImageFilter.cu
> > Line: 251
> > Description: itk::ERROR: CUDA ERROR: invalid device function
> > ======================
> >
> > For rtkfdk:
> > ======================
> > ExceptionObject caught with writer->Update()
> >
> > itk::ExceptionObject (0000004AF047E8E0)
> > Location: "unknown"
> > File: D:/SourceCode/RTK_Andy/code/rtkCudaFFTRampImageFilter.cu
> > Line: 139
> > Description: itk::ERROR: CUDA ERROR: invalid device function
> > ======================
> >
> > For rtksart:
> > ======================
> > ExceptionObject caught with sart->Update()
> >
> > itk::ExceptionObject (00000086AE63F050)
> > Location: "unknown"
> > File: D:/SourceCode/RTK_Andy/code/rtkCudaForwardProjectionImageFilter.cu
> > Line: 251
> > Description: itk::ERROR: CUDA ERROR: invalid texture reference
> > ======================
> >
> >
> > These errors were all caught by "CUDA_CHECK_ERROR".
> > Do you know what might be the problem here?
> > I also tried these with a down-sampled projection sets with only 10
> > projections, so it seems that this is not a memory shortage issue.
> >
> > It is also worth mentioning that everything works properly on another
> > computer with a NVIDIA Quadro 4000.
> >
> > Any clue would be of great help. Thanks!
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Andy
> >
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