[Rtk-users] The question of RTK

Simon Rit simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Jun 26 13:56:21 EDT 2014

Please use the mailing list for user questions. The general description of
the steps is adressed on the wiki. If you encounter a compilation problem,
report the error on the mailing list and we'll do our best to help you.

On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 9:28 AM, xiaody <xiaody at bmie.neu.edu.cn> wrote:

> Dir Simon Rit:
> I set up RTK with Ubuntu 12.02 in vmare workstation.  I have built ITK and
> RTK with some errors because there is no cuda. I want to do Step 3 –
> Running the HelloWorld application. But I don’t know how to do.
> How could I do the following step?
> §  Run CMake on the HelloWorld directory and create a HelloWorld-bin
> §  Configure and build the project using your favorite compiler
> §  Run the HelloWorld application. If everything runs correctly you
> should see "RTK Hello World!" written on the console
>               Dayu Xiao
>            Northeastern University, China.
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