[Paraview] Catalyst Install

Mark Olesen Mark.Olesen at esi-group.com
Tue May 29 10:06:57 EDT 2018

If you just wish to get going quickly, you can simply compile and 
install a regular ParaView with PARAVIEW_INSTALL_DEVELOPMENT_FILES=ON 
and use these libraries/headers for your Catalyst-enabled simulation.

On 05/29/18 14:52, Gregg Streuber wrote:
> Hi All,
> I’m looking into doing some on-line post-processing of simulation data, 
> but I’m having trouble getting Catalyst setup on our system.
> Following the instructions here 
> <https://public.kitware.com/pipermail/paraview/2016-August/037674.html> 
> I downloaded the Paraview source and ran ccmake with 
> BUILD_CATALYST_ADAPTERS set to “on”.  It compiles, but returns a message 
> that it did not use BUILD_CATALYST_ADAPTERS, which suggests it’s not 
> actually including them in the make file.  I then downloaded a Catalyst 
> source edition that has the functionality we’re looking for and 
> attempted ccmake, but this reports the errors
> “CMake Error: file [path]/package.json.in does not exist”
> And
> “No such module “vtkChartsCore” needed by “vtkPVServerManagerApplication”.
> Particularly the first error has me flummoxed, and I was wondering if 
> anybody with more success could point me in the right direction towards 
> resolving it.
> Thanks,
> Gregg
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