[Paraview] What CELL_TYPE is the 27-noded 3D from Cubit/Trelis?

Arash Mehraban arashm81 at gmail.com
Thu May 10 12:11:41 EDT 2018


I have written some FEM code in Matlab that handles 27-noded 3D
unstructured meshed. It reads all the mesh info, including connectivity
matrix, vertex coordinates , etc. from Cubit/Trelis output in ExodusII
format and gives me a mesh object in Matlab. So after FEM processing and
getting my solution, I would like to use Paraview as a postprocessor. So I
wrote a piece of Matlab code so I can write the connectivity matrix,
coordinates, and unknowns “u” (in this case displacement in 3D [solving
hyperelasticity]) to a vtk file. The only thing I am not sure what I should
use for the 3D 27-noded is the CELL_TYPE  when I am writing to the vtk
file. Is it 12, 25, or something else?  12 seems to work as Paraview shows
me that it has correct number of nodes from the mesh, but when I ask
Paraview to show the nodes, it only shows the vertices as apposed to nodes
on vertices edges, faces and cells. When I use 25, the mesh does not look
correct. It gets distorted and collapsed. The connectivity looks totally
incorrect. These numbers are based on https://www.vtk.org/doc/nightl

I would appreciate any help.


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