[Paraview] xdmf format with hdf5: nodes and elements labels

paul.carrico at free.fr paul.carrico at free.fr
Tue May 1 05:08:39 EDT 2018

Hi All, 

Some time ago I had a look on the capabilities of Paraview and the xdmf
format to postprocess (huge amount of) results coming from Finite
Elements solvers (structural/mechanical engineering) ... I started to
play with the hdf5 libraries and I'm happy with ... 

Unfortunately I did not anticipate the fact that node and elements
numbering are implicit into the xdmf format, aren't they? (I found old
post on the net on that topics, from 2013) 

if so, I'll have to write an intermediate code to renumber nodes and
elements (except if a work around exists); in addition to the work for
that task, the new mesh changes from the original one (in terms of node
& element label to point on), that is not convenient. 

(I'm still wondering when I'll deal with sub-parts ...) 

Are they people still confront to it? has any solution been found? 

Thanks for any feedback 

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