Miguel Aguirre aguirre.utn at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 03:01:31 EDT 2018

Hello Mr. SCOTT,

Thank you very much for your time. Indeed, it was useful for better
understand the way “Slice”+”PlotData” works by using the spreadsheet
analysis.  So, apparently the only way to do a 2D plot without this issue,
is to use “PlotOnIntersectionPlane” or “PlotOverLine”.

Concerning the 2D plot along X-axis of the integrated variables along
Y-axis, the simplest way to do it so far, is the method already discussed


However, I wonder if Paraview developers are working on a built-in filter
that allows to do that. This is a very classical analysis in aerodynamics,
so it will be widely used by the Paraview community.

Thanks again and thanks for the advice of the “jet” color-type.

Best regards,
Miguel Angel AGUIRRE

On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 2:13 AM, Scott, W Alan <wascott at sandia.gov> wrote:

> So, I am no expert on what you are trying to do.  But, here are a few
> thoughts:
> First, you don’t want to mix all five of your lines together, and just
> draw them through one plot data filter.  ParaView won’t go down one line,
> and then to the next – it will display sorted on Point ID (I think).  You
> want one Plot Data filter for each slice/line.  Attached is what I just
> did, for the multi-slice example.  There are 5 separate slices, 5 separate
> Plot Data filters.  I have then turned visibility on for all 5 filters into
> the same chart view.  I then changed the color of each filter’s Y
> Coordinate, so I could tell them apart.
> What is the Plot Data filter doing?  It is just going down the Point IDs,
> one after the other, plotting your data.  Take the black line.  Point Id 0
> is at u == 71.36, Y == 0.147.  It then draws a line to Point Id 1, which is
> at u == 71.271 and Y == 0.0923.  This continues through your dataset.  So,
> the “non continuous” part of the line is where the beginning point doesn’t
> match up against the ending point.
> A good way to drill into your data is with the Spreadsheet View.  Notice
> the highlight around the Spreadsheet View window, and that visibility of
> Point Data2 is on.  Also, note that you can sort this spreadsheet by
> clicking on the head of a column, as I did on Point ID.  Now, looking at
> the Y’s and u’s, you can see how ParaView is drawing the chart view.
> So, in answer to your last question, I believe you again have to deal with
> each line individually.
> Does that help?
> Alan
> p.s. – I notice you are using Rainbow.  May I suggest using Jet instead?
> It is much more linear, and doesn’t have such a large green area in the
> middle of the color table.
> *From:* aguirre.flanker at gmail.com [mailto:aguirre.flanker at gmail.com] *On
> Behalf Of *Miguel Aguirre
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 15, 2018 2:24 AM
> *To:* Scott, W Alan <wascott at sandia.gov>
> *Cc:* paraview at public.kitware.com
> *Subject:* Re: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview] QUESTION ABOUT SLICE
> Hello Mr. SCOTT,
> Thanks for your answer.
> Here I have attached the "TEST.pvsm" state file of a generic case
> (Potential flow around a cylinder) along with the related  "DATA.csv".
> The idea is to see the flowfield parameters along a line placed downstream
> The PVSM file contains 4 layouts :
> 1)  Single SLICE (Uses a “Slice”+”PlotData”)
> 2) PlotOnIntersectionCurves
> 3) PlotOverLine
> 4) Multiple Slices
> All cases starts from the Delaunay 2D applied to the CSV data and in all
> cases I tried to plot the U-velocity vs Y-coordinate (With U-velocity shown
> along X-axis). As you can see, “PlotOnIntersectionCurves” and
> “PlotOverLine” cases works fine:  the “Uspeed vs Y” distribution is OK.
> However the “Slice”+”PlotData” case (with a single slice) shows a bad
> connectivity between the points. It happens even if a refine the points
> cloud and even with structured and unstructured cells (Fluent CFD cases not
> shown here).
> Moreover, when I do multiple slices, the output array is just one single
> array containing data from all points merged together, so the PlotData does
> not allow to see each line separately.
> What I really need is a multiple output line data in order to :
> 1) See distribution on each line
> 2) Then apply a filter to each line: I want to integrate values along each
> line and then plot it along X-axis. That’s why I was trying to use multiple
> slice (Already knowing that there is hard way to do that: multiple
> “PlotOverLine”+”IntegrateVariables”(For each line)+”GroupDatSets”+”
> PlotData”)
> There is a simpler way to do that?  (I have the restriction that lines may
> be inclined, so doing a domain integration along Y-axis is not a good idea)
> Thanks in advance
> Miguel Angel AGUIRRE
> On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 6:05 PM, Scott, W Alan <wascott at sandia.gov> wrote:
> Miguel,
> Can you pass Kitware the dataset?  Also, please give detailed steps how to
> replicate this.  For instance, did you change the X Array Name?  A state
> file would be great.
> Also, are you trying to use Plot Over Line?  Now, assuming you have data
> throughout the line, this should have connectivity.
> Alan
> *From:* ParaView [mailto:paraview-bounces at public.kitware.com] *On Behalf
> Of *Miguel Aguirre
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 14, 2018 2:30 AM
> *To:* paraview at public.kitware.com
> Hello,
> I'am trying to use "Slice" and then "Plot Data" in order to obtain
> multiple survey lines in a 2D CFD simulation. I have 2 questions :
> 1) If i use one single slice, the plotted data is not a continuous line.
> Instead, it shows some bad conectivity between points (See attached figure
> "Slice - single plane.png"). How can I solve it ?
> 2) When I use multiple slice, the plotted data is merged into one single
> array as you can see in the other attached file ( "Slice - multiple
> planes.png").However, i really need one array for every slice because this
> multiple output will be treated later. There is a solution for this ?
> Concerning the second question, i remark here that making multiple
> "PlotOnIntersectionCurves" and then "GroupdataSets" is not a viable option
> for me because I need to plot n-lines.
> Thanks in advance.
> Miguel Angel AGUIRRE
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