[Paraview] Sharing a library I wrote to generate ProgrammableFilters with property panel options

Shuhao Wu shuhao at shuhaowu.com
Wed Mar 14 14:39:01 EDT 2018

Hello all,

I hope this is not too spammy/self promoting, but I wanted to share a 
small library that I created to wrap such that you create Python 
Programmable Filters with custom property panel options from a regular 
python file. The work is inspired by this blog post[1].

The library based system allows you to write your programmable filter 
such that it will work outside of paraview so you can possibly mock the 
inputs/outputs and run unit tests on then, while also allowing easy 
export into a XML plugins to feed into Paraview for execution. This 
should allow one to create higher quality, reusable filters. The library 
is available at: https://github.com/shuhaowu/pvpyfilter. If there is 
enough interest in this, and once I get to test it more, I can release 
this onto PyPI for easier access.

A short example of this in action (longer one available in the 
repository, complete with screenshots):

class ViscosityType(Enum):
   Kinematic = 1
   Dynamic   = 2

class MyFilter(ProgrammableFilter):
   label = "My Filter"
   input_data_type  = "vtkPolyData"

   nu = Double("Viscousity", default=1.53e-5, slider=[0, 1e-4], help="...")
   nu_type = IntegerEnum("Type", default=ViscosityType.Kinematic, 

   def request_data(inputs, outputs, nu, nu_type):

--  I cannot find the script download from that link and had to get it 
from somewhere else on the internet.


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