[Paraview] Adding not rendered filters slows down animation

Ole Numssen numssen at cbs.mpg.de
Thu Jul 12 05:01:42 EDT 2018

Hello there,

I'm experiencing some strange performance/timing differences when creating animations with paraview 5.5.2 on Ubuntu 16.04 for different filter combinations.

I think I've broken it down to a minimal example. It seems to be of importance, if the rendered Filter has a child-filter or not, independent of this child filter being rendered.
I've taken some timings for a 2-frame animation to make things clear. I've attached the complete Timer Log output for the 4 different setups shown below. 

Filters shown as in the pipeline browser. I've loaded an .xdmf/.hdf5 file, Multi-block and Multi-pice Dataset, ~8.5M Cells, ~2MPoints on a i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GH 4 core machine, 24G Ram, Titan XP gpu. 

1) quite fast at first
file.xdmf (not rendered)
| Threshold 1 (rendered)

-> Frame 1: 0.00056 seconds
-> Frame 2: 0.000385 seconds

2) adding a second threshold to the first slows things down heavily, even though threshold 2 is not rendered.
file.xdmf (not rendered)
| Threshold 1 (rendered) 
-| Threshold 2 (not rendered)

-> Frame 1: 10.1624 seconds
-> Frame 2: 10.1568 seconds

3) deleting threshold 2 speeds things up a little (only frame 2)
file.xdmf (not rendered)
| Threshold 1 (rendered) 
-| Threshold 2 (not rendered)

-> Frame 1: 0.000553 seconds
-> Frame 2: 9.87154 seconds

4) deleting threshold 1 and creating it again leads to fast animation again:
file.xdmf (not rendered)
| Threshold 1 (rendered)

-> Frame 1: 0.000475 seconds
-> Frame 2: 0.000489 seconds

Is this the intended behavior? At least for me it is not the expected behavior, as the rendered image/data is exactly the same for all of the 4 states shown above.

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