[Paraview] Multiple identical "sources" proxies in a saved XML state file (GlyphType)

Artem Bodrin art.bodrin at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 06:51:31 EST 2018

Hello, dear developers.

I have issued this question on a bug tracker, but will duplicate it here, if you do not mind
https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/issues/17957 <https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/issues/17957>

I'm not sure if this is a bug, but I have noticed, that saved xml state file contains many identical proxies, that belongs to group "sources". These proxies are actual source proxies, and participating in property  of every saved "GeometryRepresentation" proxy. 

So every "GeometryRepresentation" have it's own bunch of GlyphType source proxy instances (listed in proxy_list Domain), and all of them are saved to a state file.

I can understand, that saving all of them can be explained by "unified approach" to saving proxy to state file, but I have trouble with resulting state file - we tracking it's change with VCS (git, if it matters), and so many unnecessary (cause they are identical, except GlobalId) proxies saved gives us additional pain.

As an additional side effect we have increased state loading time. This issue might be related to appearance of saved GlyphType proxies in a state file: 

Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but one can not change the Domain type at runtime, so this proxy_list will be constant until changed in a views_and_representations.xml. If so, than maybe there is a way to save GlyphType proxies to state file only once (or not at all) and reference their GlobalIds from any other GeometryRepresentation?

Thanks in advance, 
Artem Bodrin.
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