[Paraview] DigitalRockPhysics Plugin Usage

Mathieu Westphal mathieu.westphal at kitware.com
Thu Apr 12 10:28:13 EDT 2018

Yes, please provide sample dataset so we can take a look.


Mathieu Westphal

On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 4:20 PM, Michael Jackson <
mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> wrote:

> Thanks for the data. The difference was that your data was point based
> where ours was Cell based. I ran the Cell data to Point Data filter and
> then was able to successfully run the 2 Rock filters. The results were not
> as I expected. Some of our “Features” are getting exploded down to the
> pixel level where others are successfully kept intact. I am not familiar
> with the Digital Rock Physics or the algorithm being used but there
> probably is enough of a difference between the assumptions that the filter
> isn’t going to work for us. I am happy to provide sample data sets and
> discuss what the data is and if the filters would truly work on our data.
> The visualization is novel and I think it would help our users in the long
> run if we could figure out the differences.
> Thanks
> --
> Michael Jackson | Owner, President
>       BlueQuartz Software
> [e] mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
> [w] www.bluequartz.net
> *From: *Mathieu Westphal <mathieu.westphal at kitware.com>
> *Date: *Thursday, April 12, 2018 at 9:31 AM
> *To: *Michael Jackson <mike.jackson at bluequartz.net>
> *Cc: *ParaView <paraview at paraview.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [Paraview] DigitalRockPhysics Plugin Usage
> Hi Michael,
> There is example data in our test data, please find it attached with an
> example usage of the Explode filter.
> Best regards,
> Mathieu Westphal
> On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 2:50 PM, Michael Jackson <
> mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> wrote:
> What kind of data do I need to have in order to use both of the new
> Digital Rock Physics Filters? I ask because I would like to reproduce the
> screen shots from the ParaView 5.5.0 release notes but with our own data.
> Our current data set is an Image data where we have a Scalar value called
> "Feature ID" that groups voxels into unique features. The values are 32 bit
> signed integer. I can run the Material Cluster Analysis filter and that
> seems to run but when I run the Material Cluster Explode filter I get a
> bunch of flat "sheets" instead of the features that I should be seeing? Is
> there an example data set somewhere that could be used to experiment with
> these filters?
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=153azI_-dE0N7Xw0agM8OYBF508cDNSdx
> --
> Michael A. Jackson                 400 S. Pioneer Blvd
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=400+S.+Pioneer+Blvd&entry=gmail&source=g>
> Owner, President                   Springboro, Ohio 45066
> BlueQuartz Software, LLC           EMail: mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
> Voice: 937-790-1601                Web: http://www.bluequartz.net
> Fax: 937-746-0783
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