[Paraview] [EXT] Re: Details of XML filter with lists of input arrays

Dennis Conklin dennis_conklin at goodyear.com
Tue Oct 3 14:50:28 EDT 2017


So, for the first example we have:


<InputProperty command="SetInputConnection"                     
<ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">          
<Group name="sources" />          
<Group name="filters" />        
<DataTypeDomain name="input_type">          
<DataType value="vtkDataSet" />        
<InputArrayDomain attribute_type="cell"                          
number_of_components="1" />        

I get that the InputTypeDomain links it to cell arrays! - thanks for that.

So, after the user chooses some variables, are the chosen variable names in "input_array"?
Or does "input_array"  contain True or False based on which he chose, in which case where are the corresponding names of the variables?



-----Original Message-----
From: Utkarsh Ayachit [mailto:utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2017 2:08 PM
To: Dennis Conklin <dennis_conklin at goodyear.com>
Cc: Paraview (paraview at paraview.org) <paraview at paraview.org>
Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: [Paraview] Details of XML filter with lists of input arrays

> To be more exact, I wrote a routine here that does an area-weighted average of some variables.    Now the users are asking if I can give them a list of variables in the model and they can choose which ones to calculate a weighted average.

There are many filters you can base this on. Here are a few examples:

1. https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgitlab.kitware.com%2Fparaview%2Fparaview%2Fblob%2Fmaster%2FParaViewCore%2FServerManager%2FSMApplication%2FResources%2Ffilters.xml%23L2026-2041&data=01%7C01%7Cdennis_conklin%40goodyear.com%7C2d092bbd37874ba5a79208d50a89a1b9%7C939e896692854a9a9f040887efe8aae0%7C0&sdata=QEPymOcagk%2B2VVfYRhBkt1ujub7DJqalAo9cA7YFX%2BU%3D&reserved=0

Here the arrays to list is determined by the "InputArrayDomain"
element defined on the InputProperty and fixed to cell data.

2. https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgitlab.kitware.com%2Fparaview%2Fparaview%2Fblob%2Fmaster%2FParaViewCore%2FServerManager%2FSMApplication%2FResources%2Ffilters.xml%23L13865-13881&data=01%7C01%7Cdennis_conklin%40goodyear.com%7C2d092bbd37874ba5a79208d50a89a1b9%7C939e896692854a9a9f040887efe8aae0%7C0&sdata=YLFBNug7u6HJZo87izm6muSvpMJCzKaFDIYnwcBAp%2B8%3D&reserved=0

Here the user can separately select which attribute he/she is interested in using a separate "AttributeMode" property.


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