[Paraview] quantifying overlap between two volumes

Samuel Key samuelkey at bresnan.net
Sat Nov 4 11:43:37 EDT 2017


If you want to get all of this information into one datum set so that 
you can use PV's Calculator filter, one possibility is use the PV's 
Resample With Dataset. (I am not a heavy user of this filter, but I 
tried it once and it work like a charm.) It would be best if you 
consulted the on-line  documentation (at least easily accessed in PV 
version 5.2.0 by F1), PDF page 93. If you use a fairly fine background 
mesh, it should serve your needs. You may have to use the Group Datasets 
filter first?

You might consider using a ParaView *.pvd file (pvd is short for 
'ParaView Data'). It should make your file handling a little easier. I 
have attached a sample *.pvd file that could make the task easier. 
However, your individual VTK files will have to have an XML-format for 
this to work.


On 11/4/2017 3:58 AM, Klara Schevenels wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> Thanks again for your answer! I included a printscreen of an image I 
> have been working on to clear things up. The purple regions are brain 
> activations for a fMRI-task and are all combined into one vtk file. 
> The coordinates are the spheres in different colors and each have 
> their own vtk file.
> Enjoy your weekend!
> Best,
> Klara
> *From:*Samuel Key [mailto:samuelkey at bresnan.net]
> *Sent:* vrijdag 3 november 2017 20:14
> *To:* Klara Schevenels <klara.schevenels at kuleuven.be>
> *Subject:* Re: [Paraview] quantifying overlap between two volumes
> Klara--
> I am sure there are several ways to do this, unfortunately you will 
> need to supply the list with more information about the nature of the 
> datum set.
> If your two *.vtk files have matching points (same number and same 
> coordinates) you can use the Append Data filter to combine the two 
> datum sets. However the two datum sets will have to have different 
> variable names for the POINT values. Use either a text editor on one 
> of the *.vtk files to change the variable name, or use the Calculator 
> filter to rename the variables from one of the *.vtk datum sets before 
> you use the Append Data filter.
> With the merged datum sets, you can then use the Calculator filter to 
> computer the difference in the two values and give the difference a 
> new name.
> Hope this helps.
> --Sam
> On 11/3/2017 8:15 AM, Klara Schevenels wrote:
>     Hi Sam
>     Thank you very much for your response! I loaded all of the files
>     in the same window, so the visualization is quite good. But I’d
>     like to become a quantification of how much overlap there is
>     between the reference activation and the coordinates I have (like
>     a % or something).
>     You think you have any ideas on that?
>     Best
>     Klara
>     *From:*ParaView [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] *On Behalf
>     Of *Samuel Key
>     *Sent:* vrijdag 3 november 2017 14:42
>     *To:* paraview at paraview.org <mailto:paraview at paraview.org>
>     *Subject:* Re: [Paraview] quantifying overlap between two volumes
>     Klara--
>     Have you tried to load both one.vtk and separate.vtk into a single
>     render window? ParaView is quite capable of doing this.  If the
>     "reference file" separate.vtk image needs to be shifted, the
>     transform filter will let you re-position the image.
>     Hope this helps.
>     --Sam
>     On 11/3/2017 4:39 AM, Klara Schevenels wrote:
>         To whom it may concern,
>         I just started working with Paraview for making 3D-images of
>         the brain. More specifically, I want to quantify the overlap
>         between the brain activation there is for some fMRI-task (one
>         .vtk file) and some coordinates I have (separate .vtk files).
>         Does anyone can advise how to start with this? I’ve been
>         searching on the internet but I cannot find a clear answer to
>         this question.
>         Many many thanks in advance!
>         Best
>         Klara Schevenels
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