[Paraview] OffScreen/OnScreen, Software/Hardware Rendering with EGL

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon May 22 21:31:08 EDT 2017

> For Build D, since you build with VTK_USE_X=ON, can you use pvbatch on a machine that doesn't have an X server?


> If so, is there anything to do in particular at runtime?

Just start pvbatch with "--use-offscreen-rendering" command line argument.

> Also, is it possible to build the paraview client gui with VTK_USE_X=OFF ?

No. VTK_USE_X is currently needed for the GUI. Although as I am
thinking of this, with Qt 5, we can get rid of this requirement.
You'll still need to X to use the GUI and for building Qt, but
ParaView should not directly depend on X (unless I am missing
something). Please report an issue for this, if you don't mind. We
should investigate this.

> Does Build E allow to build the paraview client gui  ?

Not currently. It's on the TODO list to support (hopefully by 5.5).


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