[Paraview] [EXTERNAL] dialog windows bug on Paraview 5.3 when changing monitor configuration

Scott, W Alan wascott at sandia.gov
Mon May 8 13:31:17 EDT 2017

It probably has to do with your configuration files.  ParaView keeps track of how you left the app last time you ran it.  This includes locations for all of the dialog windows.

Just delete your configuration files, and all will be well.  Further, ParaView will look like it came out of the box.



From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Ben Orr
Sent: Monday, May 8, 2017 11:25 AM
To: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview] dialog windows bug on Paraview 5.3 when changing monitor configuration

Paraview Developers,
I have found a bug with Paraview 5.3 on Windows 7 (did not test to see if it also exists on other versions/OS's). I recently changed computers, so I moved my old computer to a spare desk. My old computer used to have two monitors, but now it only has one. The last time I used Paraview, back when it had two monitors, the file-open dialog was on the second monitor. Now that the computer only has one monitor, it still places the file-open dialog on the "second," nonexistent monitor. I fixed this by simply plugging in a second monitor, moving the file-open window back to the primary monitor, then re-removed the second monitor. This is true for all dialog windows such as the python terminal and trace. I do not know if this is a Paraview or general Qt issue.
It's not very often that someone gets rid of monitors, so it's probably low priority, but it was certainly one of the most confusing issues I've ever resolved, so I thought it was worth mentioning to the community.
Thank you,
Ben Orr
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