[Paraview] Set color legend font color (pv web)

Daniel Zuidinga info at seoaachen.de
Tue May 2 15:12:49 EDT 2017

I use 5.1 because I have to use the .med reader plugin of salome 8.2.

Am 02.05.2017 um 20:39 schrieb Scott Wittenburg:
> That protocols.py code snippet looks kind of old, what version of 
> ParaView are you running?  I don't recall precisely when we dropped 
> the pipeline manager abstraction in favor of the proxy manager, but it 
> seems like awhile ago.  Any chance you can update to a more recent 
> paraview?  If you're on Linux and using binary distributions, avoid 
> version 5.3.  The 5.2 binary might be ok for you, or building from 
> master should be fine.
> Hope this helps,
> Scott
> On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 1:16 AM, Daniel Zuidinga <info at seoaachen.de 
> <mailto:info at seoaachen.de>> wrote:
>     As I've said I edited the protocols.py of paraview web:
>       @exportRpc("pv.pipeline.manager.scalarbar.visibility.update")
>         def updateScalarbarVisibility(self, options):
>             lutMgr = vtkSMTransferFunctionManager()
>             lutMap = {}
>             view = self.getView(-1)
>             if options:
>                 for key, lut in options.iteritems():
>                     visibility = lut['enabled']
>                     if type(lut['name']) == unicode:
>                         lut['name'] = str(lut['name'])
>                     parts = key.split('_')
>                     arrayName = parts[0]
>                     numComps = int(parts[1])
>                     lutProxy = self.getColorTransferFunction(arrayName)
>                     barRep =
>     servermanager._getPyProxy(lutMgr.GetScalarBarRepresentation(lutProxy,
>     view.SMProxy))
>                     if visibility == 1:
>                         barRep.Visibility = 1
>     #EDIT#
>                         barRep.TitleColor=[1.0,0.0,0.0]
>                         barRep.LabelColor=[1.0,0.0,0.0]
>                         barRep.Enabled = 1
>                         barRep.Title = arrayName
>                         if numComps > 1:
>                             barRep.ComponentTitle = 'Magnitude'
>                         else:
>                             barRep.ComponentTitle = ''
>     vtkSMScalarBarWidgetRepresentationProxy.PlaceInView(barRep.SMProxy,
>     view.SMProxy)
>                     else:
>                         barRep.Visibility = 0
>                         barRep.Enabled = 0
>                     lutMap[key] = { 'lutId': lut['name'],
>               'name': arrayName,
>               'size': numComps,
>               'enabled': visibility }
>             return lutMap
>     Am 01.05.2017 um 21:03 schrieb Scott Wittenburg:
>>     Maybe we need to see more context (how you got your hands on
>>     barRep, and what else you did)?  I just used ParaView Qt client
>>     to visualize the wavelet, and I changed these colors before
>>     exporting the state as a python script.  I think the following
>>     covers what you should need to do:
>>     from paraview.simple import *
>>     ...
>>     rv1 = CreateView('RenderView')
>>     ...
>>     lut = GetColorTransferFunction('RTData')
>>     ...
>>     repr = Show(someSrc, rv1)
>>     repr.LookupTable = lut
>>     ...
>>     repr.SetScalarBarVisibility(rv1, True)
>>     ...
>>     lutColorBar = GetScalarBar(lut, rv1)
>>     lutColorBar.TitleColor = [...]
>>     lutColorBar.LabelColor = [...]
>>     Then finally maybe a Render() is required?
>>     If you do all that and the color doesn't change, there may be a
>>     bug.  Even though the protocols we have now do not allow for
>>     changing the title and label color (at least not to my
>>     knowledge), you can manage this all in your application code.
>>     Hope this helps,
>>     Scott
>>     On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 12:00 PM, Daniel Zuidinga
>>     <info at seoaachen.de <mailto:info at seoaachen.de>> wrote:
>>         Hi,
>>         I try to set the color legend font color in protocols.py of
>>         paraview web visualizer.
>>         def updateScalarbarVisibility(self, options):
>>             ...
>>            barRep.TitleColor=[0.0,0.0,0.0]
>>            barRep.LabelColor=[0.0,0.0,0.0]
>>         but it doesn't change the color. Where can I change it
>>         (default)? I would also show it as default.
>>         regards
>>         Daniel
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