[Paraview] Dilation Operation ...

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Thu Jul 6 02:48:22 EDT 2017


My first question is, are the data actually being read in as a point data field or a cell data field? If you go to the Information panel, what does it say the data are?

I'm not at my computer to check this, but I believe that if you read data as a lon/lat projection, the mesh is most likely read as a 2D "image", and if so, that is rendered with the "slice" representation. If that's the case, can you try changing the representation to "surface"?


Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 5, 2017, at 7:10 AM, Niklas Röber <roeber at dkrz.de> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have a very low resolution netCDF that I would like to visualize as cell data using lon/lat projection. Reading the data using lon/lat projection, the variables are represented as point data (image1). If the data is read in spherical, the variables are represented as cell data (image2). Comparing both, shows that some features are missing in the lon/lat projection, see for example central America and Spain. Applying a PointDataToCellData filter to the point data in lon/lat smoothes these features away completely (image3).
> Is there a possibility to visualize the data correctly, as shown with spherical projection, but in lon/lat? Or can the point data somehow be dilated so that central America and half of Europe are not "filtered" out?
> Thanks for any help!
> Cheers, Niklas
> <image1.png>
> <image2.png>
> <image3.png>
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