[Paraview] [Non-DoD Source] PVSB on Mac OSX 10.12

Chuck Atkins chuck.atkins at kitware.com
Mon Feb 27 09:03:26 EST 2017

Hi Rick,

> When PVSB configures Paraview, it is setting the cmake flag
> VTK_USE_SYSTEM_PNG=ON and it should be OFF.
When using the superbuild, ParaView should always be using a "system"
PNG.   The diggerence is whether that will be provided by the OS or the
superbuild.  Either way, it's external to the paraview subproject.  Try
explicitly setting -DUSE_SYSTEM_png=OFF when configuring the superbuild.
I'll look into why the superbuild doesn't properly handle this in the first
palce but explicitl;y setting the option should make your build work.

- Chuck
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